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 PROBLEM SOLVING: Introduction to Problem Solving - Program development - Analyzing and Defining the Problem – Algorithm -Flow Chart - Programming languages - Types of programming languages- Program Development Environment.      





C LANGUAGE: Introduction to C Language -  C Character Set - Identifiers and Keywords - Data Types – Literal Constants - Variables – l-value-r-value - Qualifiers – Modifiers - Operators and Expressions –    Type conversions - Library Functions - Data Input and Output Functions – escape sequence characters – Formatted input and output.





 Control statements: Making Decisions : If Statement – If/else Statement - If/else if Statement – Nested if Statements – dangling else - Switch Multiple Selection Statement– Repetition : Repetition Essentials - While Loop – do-While Loop – For Loop – Nested Loops  – Breaking out of a Loop  Continue statement  – goto Statement





Functions: Modular Programming – Function Prototypes - Defining and Calling Functions –Function Call Stack and Activation Records - Passing Arguments to Functions – Returning a value from a function- Recursion – Recursion vs. Iteration – Scope and lifetime of variables – Memory layout of a C program - Storage Classes - Auto - Static - Extern and Register Variables.






Arrays:  Defining Array –Array Initialization - Accessing array elements - Processing arrays - Arrays as function arguments - Multidimensional arrays – Memory address calculation of an array – Row major and column major order - String Handling,






Pointers:  Pointer Variable Definitions and Initializations – Passing Arguments to Functions by address – Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic - Relationship between Pointers and Arrays  - Pointers and multidimensional arrays –Constant Pointer – Pointer to Constant –NULL pointer- dangling pointers - Pointers to functions - passing functions to other functions – Introduction to Stack and Heap Memory - Dynamic Memory Allocation.






Structures and unions: Structure Definitions – Initializing Structures – Accessing Structure Members -  Processing a structure - typedef- Structures and pointers - Passing structures to functions – Self-Referential Structures- Bit fields - Unions – Enumeration Constants.





Files: Files and Streams - Operations on Files – Types of Files, Various Read and Write Functions for Sequential-Access and Random-Access Files -Command Line Arguments.




PREPROCESSOR DIRECTIVES: #include Preprocessor Directive - #define Preprocessor Directive: Symbolic Constants - #define Preprocessor Directive : Macros - Conditional Compilation.




                                                                                                                                                                              Total     L : 45



1.       Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, ‘The C Programming Language’, Pearson Education, 2015.

2.       R G Dromey, ‘How to solve it by Computer’, Pearson 2008.



1.       Herbert Schildt, “C The Complete Reference", Mc-Graw Hill, 2017.

2.       Gottfried  B, ‘Programming With C’, Mc-Graw Hill, 2011.

3.       Peter Prinz and Tony Crawford, ‘C in a Nutshell’, O′Reilly, 2016.